Art & Culture

The "Arabian Leopard" by ASSOULINE

A celebration of a magnificent creature: the Arabian leopard.

This book is a celebration of a magnificent creature: the Arabian leopard (Panthera pardus nimr). This subspecies has distinct features that are the result of thousands of years of evolution, making it perfectly suited to the deserts and mountains of Arabia.

An essay by wildlife conservationist Andrew Spalton charts the animal’s epic journey from Africa to Arabia over the course of half a million years, highlighting its history and its current, critically endangered status. Imagery of the Arabian leopard as a symbol of strength, freedom and fearlessness has been found in ancient rock art, mosaics and paintings over the centuries, cementing its position as a revered and respected animal in Saudi Arabia and the world.

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Artwork of an Arabian leopard by Deborah Desmeda | © Deborah Desmeda/
Arabian leopard photographed by Aline Coquelle | © Aline Coquelle
Artwork of Arabian leopards by Deborah Desmeda | © Deborah Desmeda/

The Royal Commission for AlUla has been focusing on wildlife conservation to protect this subspecies through the creation of the Arabian Leopard Fund. Key to these efforts is raising awareness about these beautiful cats, to galvanize local and international support for their protection. To this end, two editions of the books are available—a Classic and an Ultimate—featuring original artworks and photographs that capture the enduring spirit of the Arabian leopard. Both editions will be launched on the occasion of the Arabian Leopard Day on February 10th, 2022.

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Map of Saudi Arabia charting the former range of the Arabian leopard illustrated by Rafael Alterio | © Rafael Alterio
Unfinished tombs at Hegra | © Robert Polidori
Artwork featuring an Arabian leopard in AlUla by Ignasi Monreal | From the book "Arabian Leopard" published by Assouline | © Ignasi Monreal | All images: Courtesy of Assouline

Andrew Spalton has thirty years of experience in wildlife conservation, with a specific focus on Arabian leopards. He co-authored "The Arabian Leopards of Oman" (2014) and remains involved in the conservation of this endangered subspecies.

"Arabian Leopard" | Published by ASSOULINE

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